North Kelly Lane Drainage Upgrades in Jefferson Parish |
- Transportation and Roadway Design - Divided highways, local streets, pavement rehabilitation, capacity analysis, traffic engineering.
- Hydraulic/Hydrologic Modeling & Analysis
- Flood elevation determination, canal and conveyance improvements,
drainage master planning, FEMA flood map amendment requests.
- Drainage Systems - Open channel, subsurface conveyance systems, pump stations.
- Wastewater Collection & Treatment - Gravity collection, pumping stations & force mains, sewer rehabilitation, treatment plants & plant expansion, treatment process design.
- Water Distribution & Treatment - Transmission line, pumping, storage tanks & towers, treatment plants, treatment process design.
- Site Planning - Residential & commercial development; planning, drainage, sewerage and water systems and permitting.
Ingram Barge Office Development - St. John Parish |
- Building, Industrial, & Tower Foundations - Pile/shaft or shallow solutions for structures, equipment, tanks, and telecommunication towers.
- Bridges & Elevated Platforms - Small and large span bridges and concrete and steel platforms.
- Civil Works Structures - Retaining walls, box culverts, wet wells, underground vaults, treatment plants, and pump stations.
- Residential & Commercial Building - Design of new structures, additions, evaluation and repair; concrete, steel and timber frame.
- Environmental Site Assessments - PH 1 & 2 ESA, Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and HUD Reports.
- Wetland Delineations & Jurisdictional Determinations - Residential & Commercial development and project specific requests.
- Permitting - USACE 404, LA DNR Coastal Use, DEQ SWPPP & Discharge
- Coastal - Wetland Restoration, Freshwater Diversion, Storm Surge/Shoreline Protection, Sediment Diversion/Restoration.
Typical S. Louisiana Marsh Environment (photo by NOAA) |
- Residential and Commercial Facilities - Interior and Exterior Lighting and Lighting Control Systems, HVAC Systems, Plumbing Systems, Fire Protection, code analysis and compliance upgrade.
- Public Buildings and Facilities - Schools, Street Lighting, Lighting Studies, Park and Recreational Facilities.
- Public Works Facilities - Drainage and Sewer Pump Stations, Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Motor and Process Control Centers, Emergency and Backup Power Generation, Instrumentation/SCADA, Fuel Storage and Distribution and Natural Gas Systems.
- Residential and Commercial Facilities - HVAC Systems, Plumbing Systems, Fire Protection, Fuel Storage and Distribution and Natural Gas Systems.